Worship is one of the most important issues in the Christian life yet there are so many different ideas about worship. What should worship look like? At SVBC our worship is guided by the following principles.
Worship is Primarily for God. Style is not the primary issue in our worship. While we have a specific style of worship at SVBC, to make style (IE traditional, contemporary, blended) the guiding principle of worship makes it about us rather than about God. When God is the focus, worship becomes what we can give, not what we can get out of a Sunday service.
Worship is for Life. We encourage people to live lives of worship throughout the week. Sunday should be the climax of the time that we have spent with God during the previous week. It should be the overflow of our lives, offered to God as a gift.
Worship is Everything We Do. That means . . .
If you are looking for worship that engages the mind as well as the heart, we invite you to join us at SVBC!
Worship is Primarily for God. Style is not the primary issue in our worship. While we have a specific style of worship at SVBC, to make style (IE traditional, contemporary, blended) the guiding principle of worship makes it about us rather than about God. When God is the focus, worship becomes what we can give, not what we can get out of a Sunday service.
Worship is for Life. We encourage people to live lives of worship throughout the week. Sunday should be the climax of the time that we have spent with God during the previous week. It should be the overflow of our lives, offered to God as a gift.
Worship is Everything We Do. That means . . .
- as we interact with others in the Family of God, we treat each other with love, respecting our differences in taste and preferences.
- our music is balanced. We sing some of the great hymns of the past that express our faith in grand and often eloquent ways. We also sing some of the best contemporary songs that express our love for God with words that flow from our hearts - we enjoy the best of both traditional and contemporary music and worship together as one body!
- the Bible is the focal point of our lives and our worship. In order to gain the maximum benefit from the Bible for our lives, we teach the Bible, always relating God's Word to the issues we face in life.
If you are looking for worship that engages the mind as well as the heart, we invite you to join us at SVBC!